My Favorite Space

‘My Favorite Space’ is a photography project capturing the intimate connection between individuals and their environments across diverse locations including Ahmedabad, Hamburg, Cairo, and London. Presented as a triptych, each set of three images forms a cohesive narrative that highlights the multifaceted relationship between person and place. Drawing from a rich architectural background and significant experiences, the project bridges architectural insight with human narratives, focusing on design, historical context, and personal significance.

Using a classical Hasselblad medium format film camera, the approach emphasizes empathy, patience, and a unique interaction through the camera’s top-down viewfinder, fostering mutual vulnerability and trust. The methodology empowers subjects to truly reflect their identity within their environment.

The aim is to challenge stereotypes and preconceptions, highlighting the overlooked significance of personal spaces in shaping belonging and identity.

Aditya—Home 01
Ahmedabad ID, 2024
Hasselblad 500C/M

Aditya—Home 02
Ahmedabad ID, 2024
Hasselblad 500C/M

Aditya—Home 03
Ahmedabad ID, 2024
Hasselblad 500C/M

Young—Korean Cafe 01
Ahmedabad ID, 2024
Hasselblad 500C/M

Young—Korean Cafe 02
Ahmedabad ID, 2024
Hasselblad 500C/M

Young—Korean Cafe 03
Ahmedabad ID, 2024
Hasselblad 500C/M

Fiona—Aarohi’s Office 01
Ahmedabad ID, 2024
Hasselblad 500C/M

Fiona—Aarohi’s Office 02
Ahmedabad ID, 2024
Hasselblad 500C/M

Fiona—Aarohi’s Office 03
Ahmedabad ID, 2024
Hasselblad 500C/M